Vikings on

Figure 1

The game was designed to be played by 2-5 players, who must choose one of the five avatars: King, warrior, archer, shipbuilder, and witch (Figure 2a).

Figure 2

The game comprises:

Rules to Play the Game in the Cooperative Mode

Before the start of the game, each student in the group must choose an avatar and select the subject they will review: thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, or chemical equilibrium. The King, who must be selected by one of the players, will manage the game by drawing the cards and checking their answers.

  1. Start the match. Each player must choose and drag four answer cards (A-D) from the board (Figure 1a) to their private white area at the bottom of the screen (Figure 1b). In this space, each player can only see their answer cards.

  2. Draw a card. The King must click the button corresponding to the subject to draw a question card (Figure 1c). This action moves a card from the deck (Figure 1e) to the right side of the board (Figure 1f).

  3. Answer the question. After reading the drawn card, each player must drag an answer card that they consider correct from their private area (Figure 1b) to the white space on the right (Figure 1f). Afterward, the King must click the "Group response" button (Figure 1g) to reveal all answers. There are two possibilities: the players' responses are identical (Figure 3a) or not (Figure 3b). If the players respond differently, they must discuss among themselves to collectively decide which of the answers given is the correct one.

Figure 3

Afterward, the King must click the "Answer" button (Figure 1h) to flip the question card and reveal the correct answer, which is highlighted in red. If the group has chosen the right answer, the King advances the game piece by one space (Figure 1i) on the track. However, if the group has chosen the incorrect answer, the King moves the game piece back on the path to the previous position identified by numbers 1-5.

  1. Next Question. Players move their answer cards from the white space on the right (Figure 1f) to their private area (Figure 1b). Then, the King must click the button corresponding to the selected subject to draw another question card (Figure 1c).

  2. Game over. The game follows this sequence and ends when players reach the third slot above position 4 on the board (Figure 1j), representing the land conquered by the Vikings where the new city will be built.

  3. Restarting the game. The King must click the "Restart" button to restart the game. This action will move all pieces and cards to their starting positions. Then, the match restarts following the sequence described above.

Rules to Play the Game in the Competitive Mode

In this mode, we suggest limiting the number of players to four to ensure that games do not drag on excessively. However, the king figure can be used as an additional game piece and fifth player. Before starting the game, players must establish who will start the game (player 1) and the subsequent player sequence. After, they must choose the subject for review: thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, or chemical equilibrium, which will define the content of each card.

Then, each player must choose an avatar (King, warrior, archer, shipbuilder, or witch) and a game game piece. Note that there is no specific game game piece for the avatars. Each player chooses one that represents them. The king figure can be used as another game piece and a fifth player. In this mode, any of the players or the King can coordinate the game, choosing the subject of the cards and checking the answers, and each player will move their game piece individually.

  1. Starting the match. Each player must choose and drag four answer cards (A-D) from the board (Figure 1a) to their private white area at the bottom of the screen (Figure 1b). In this space, each player can only see their answer cards.

  2. Draw a card. Any Player must click the button corresponding to the selected subject to draw a question card (Figure 1c). This action moves a card from the deck (Figure 1e) to the right side of the board (Figure 1f).

  3. Answer the question. Each player must read the question and drag their answer card from the private area (Figure 1b) to the white space on the right side of the screen (Figure 1d).

  4. Check the correct answer. Afterward, any player must click the "Group response"(Figure 1g) to flip the players' answer cards. In sequence, any player clicks the "Answer" button (Figure 1h) and flips the question card to reveal the correct answer.

  5. Moving the pieces. If the player answers a question correctly, he will move his space forward on the board, as shown in Figure 1i. On the other hand, if the player answers incorrectly, he moves his game piece back to the nearest previous position on the board, which is marked with numbers 1 to 5.

  6. Next Question. Players move their answer cards from the white space on the right (Figure 1f) to their private area (Figure 1b). Then, any player must click the button corresponding to the selected subject to draw another question card (Figure 1c).

  7. Game over. The game follows this dynamic and ends when a player reaches the slot above position 4 on the board, representing the land conquered by the Vikings where the new city will be built.

  8. Restarting the game. Any player must click the "Restart" button to restart the game. This action will move all pieces and cards to their starting positions.The match restarts following the sequence described above.

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